Monday, May 31, 2010

Seb gets a high chair

The two person balancing act of feeding Sebastian has finally come to an end when we headed out and purchased a high chair on Saturday.

A trip to Ikea is always fun and never without drama, the place always seems filled with people who have nothing better to do than waste days wandering around in circles ignoring whatever flow the store tries to provide to keep things moving. Sure they have some good stuff and is a great source of inspiration but the time it takes to get anywhere inside is extremely frustrating. Not to mention the kids section that I swear parents just go there for their kids to play with the toys on the weekend and with that many kids in a small area you can imagine the smell that is generated.

Our Ikea experience this time round was actually quite quick and dare I say it enjoyable, we skipped past most of the display section where people looked like Zombies following a predetermined path when they felt like it, most choosing their own adventure causing pedestrian traffic chaos.

We headed straight to the kids section sourced the high chair and a few other bits and pieces and than headed to the warehouse level for pickup and payment. All in all a pretty quick and stress free event.

However as I mentioned a trip to Ikea must involve drama somewhere along the line. This time however it was nothing to do with Ikea, the shopping complex or the atrocious car parking, alas it was the trip there when we got a flat tyre. Racing against the clock with a snug asleep Sebastian in the car I was pretty impressed with my one way alley formula one style pitstop that had us up and running again in no time. An extremely large chunk of metal had found it's way deep into the tyre and made quick work of setting it flat.

Below are some pictures of Sebastian loving his new high chair, let the feeding begin!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let's Go Racing...

It's been a while since the last update, but hopefully you have all been getting the photo feed from Picasa with some snaps from our recent weekend away to Apollo Bay and the life of Sebastian :)

The weekend just gone by we headed out to Sandown to watch a mate from work take part in the Victorian Formula Vee Championship in the work sponsored Victoria Veal / Collinson Black Angus Vee.

Whilst the spectator viewing isn't one of the better ones at Sandown it was still great to catch the Vee in action as it flew down the straight a tick over 170km per hour and both races we saw Heath beating someone to the line by less than 0.200 seconds each time.

We all got a good look and a sit in the car back in the paddock between races which was great, if only we could have taken it for a spin, haha dreaming.

Formula Vee's @ Sandown - Victoria Veal / Black Angus

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bring on the Steak!!!

Ok not yet, but it is time for the introduction of some solids, here's a quick update in picture form :)
First up the Rice Cereal mmmm yum.

Time for some yummy pumpkin mash.

So far not too messy

Spoke to soon, food is fun to play with!

Boys Night In

The boys of the house were left in charge last night as Deb headed out with friends to a local Ethiopian restaraunt - small portion food? ;)

Some forward thinking I grabbed myself a chicken schnitzel whilst out shopping earlier that day.

You can never go wrong with a chicken parma and this one was certainly delicious.

Settled down on the couch and enjoyed sone Top Gear on the box whilst Seb dozed away and the dogs lay asleep legs in air.

A nice quite relaxing evening which was great, no doubt 'boys nights' will get a lot busier and louder as the little guy grows more and more :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Meeting Sebastian...

A quick trip to SA to catch up with the family and Grandma's 90th party. For most it was their first chance to meet our little guy and all three of us had a blast catching up with everyone, even with the unlimited kilometres we seemed to cover.

Trip to SA & Grandma's 90th - April 2010

It was great watching Sebastian meet and play with his cousins Jazmin and Olivia, especially the early morning when they are all at their liveliest.

Of course their were many first for Sebastian on the weekend.
His first flight, first time meeting many of you, first time sleeping away from home, also first time me and Deb have ever shared a room with him (noisy bugger), the first birthday party he has attended (and the first time he has been in a pub :), first time to the farm and lastly his first tooth came through (thanks for pointing that out Steve ;)